Reading is like playing. To play, we use our eyes and our hands.
Our fingers are ten eyes that are able to see much more
than we can perceive with our sight alone.

Reading is like playing.
To play, we use our eyes and our hands.
Our fingers are ten eyes that are able to see much more than we can perceive with our sight alone.

Reading is like playing.
To play, we use our eyes and our hands.
Our fingers are ten eyes that are able to see much more than we can perceive with our sight alone.

DieciOcchi designs and manufactures illustrated tactile books for children

Il girasole (The sunflower) gets listed on the italian guide Nati per Leggere (“Born to Read”)

Il Girasole on the “Nati per Leggere” guide

20 June 2023
You can find our book in the reference catalogue “Nati per Leggere” (“Born to Read”) for parents and future readers compiled by the team of pediatricians and librarians of the national programme…

Friends for a lifetime. Together, we design tactile books, to be seen
with your eyes as well as your fingers. For children, every one of them, and more.

“Reading books is the most glorious pastime that humankind has yet devised” Wislawa Szymborska

“Reading books is the most glorious pastime that humankind has yet devised”
Wislawa Szymborska